Sunday, December 20, 2009

I had a great time today went for a walk with the Deemings. We went walking over the olive groves and as it had been raining it was nice and muddy, I love the mud and got all the skicky stuff over my feet. We had been walking for about an hour and had got to a track and we were walking passed a big shed and there was a nice dog about and I went to play with him but my lead got stuck and snapped. So off I went running all over the fields playing with my new friend I think his name was Saki anyway we were jumping over each other in the mud it was great. For about 45 minutes the Deemings tried to catch me and then a nice little Spanish boy who was the owner of Saki started to help them. He tried to catch me but I barked at him, eventually Chis got me to sit and caught me but I was now a brown dog instead of white. Guess what happened when we got home! I was chained up and muzzled and they washed me all nice and clean for Christmas. But I hate being clean.
Merry Christmas everybody xx

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Thursday morning had my usual walk but no breakfast so guessed we were going on a trip. I was right as we loaded up the campervan and went off to the coast to a place called La Linea de la Concepcion, parked up the van and then they told me I was going abroad to a foreign country so I had to get my passport out. Well we got all the passports ready walked into a place called Gibraltar which is apparently part of the UK. I was getting quite excited by now but when I walked past the border police they just ignored me. I was well miffed and felt like giving then a good barking to but kept quiet. This was all new to me lots of shops and people and traffic. Anyway I enjoyed my little walk and went back to the campervan after being ignored by both UK and Spanish border police. The next day we went back to Gibraltar and I was ignored again but this time I was so miffed I did a poop in the middle of the airport runway , that showed em. As we were walking along this chap offered to drive us up to the top of the hill for 20€ each and I could go free, when we told him we were walking up he said that I could get attacked by the monkeys , we thought it was a bit of a rip-off so said no thanks. We then started walking up a hill (what’s new) but after a few minutes I heard the Deemings moaning it seems that they had to pay a euro each to walk up the hill, what a rip-off. Anyway they paid up and we started up the hill, we eventually arrived at the top of the hill by a chairlift and some nice Spanish men said to be careful as the monkeys were dangerous and last week they killed a dog. They tried to get us to pay 8€ and go back down the lift to save my life but I said to the Deemings not to bother as I could look after myself. So we turned round and went back down another way we did see a lot of monkeys but they didn't try to attack me, I think they were too scared of me if you ask me. We managed to get back to the campervan without me having to deal with the monkeys. The next day we went to a place called Tarifa which was very nice and we had a nice long walk along a lovely sandy beach (the sign said no dogs but there were about a million on there so off we went) .I had a great running in the sand but refused to go anywhere near the sea. We then went a walk round a castle and the man at the gate asked the Deemings had retired, which they have of course, so they got in free but I was tied up at the gate as he wouldn’t let me in. Anyway I let them tie me up and they went a walk round the castle but I kept seeing them and barked when I did it was great fun. The next day we went inland from the coast to Jimena de la frontera where we walked into the hills, today we encountered loads of cows. I was OK but Chris was really scared of them but I didn't bark or create too much fuss and we didn't get into trouble. The next day we went to a little village called Benarraba where we did a little walk and it was cold and windy and I met a new friend who looked very much like my best friend Tilley and he had a nice coat on but im too hard for one of those and would bite the Deeming if they tried to put one on me. We came home after the walk to find that it had snowed on the hills around Trabuco and it was much colder than when we left on thursday and we wished we had stayed at the coast where it was warmer.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hi everyone I have been for a walk today and think I may have found my dad. What do you think?

Friday, November 27, 2009

It all started nicely on saturday morning. We met up with some friends in the main plaza in my village and walked over to Rosario. When we got back the deemings loaded up the campervan and off we went to Canillas de Aceituna. Next morning we went on a walk on the trails around La Maroma and because I had been good they let me off the lead. So I did my usual trick of not getting close to them so they could catch me. When they stopped for lunch I wouldn't go anywhere near then so didn't have any food or drink doh how stupid is that. Anyway I got a scent of something up the hill so off I went after it, it must have been mountain goat or a rabbit. Never got anywhere near it but I made a lot of noise barking felt really grown up. Anyway I still wouldn't let them catch me but after about 6 hours walking at a bend in the track there was a shed and Chris had hidden in there and Cyril was round the corner so I was trapped. So I just sat down and let them put the lead back on. The next day we went for another 5 hour walk and they keep me on the lead nearly all day, but towards the end of the day the lead came off the collar so I got away but was a bit tired so only ran around for a little while and then sat down and let Chris put the lead back on. Then on Wednesday we walked with a group of english people again up Alto del Fraile, which is a bit steep so they let me off the lead again so that I wouldn't pull them over. I had a great time as just after they let me off I spotted some mountain goats which I chased all over the mountain but could not get anywhere near them as they are better rock climbers than me, but I scared them with my ferocious barking. I eventually met up with them when they were on the top having some lunch. I would not go anywhere near the Deemings just in case they put the lead on but did get a bit of apple from one of the group. We then started going down the other side of the mountain and I walked with the group for a while but then got a scent of something and lost contact with the group. As the mountain is close to my old friends at Villa Alta I decided to make my way down there as I knew that they still had a soft spot for me and would look after me until the Deemings came to find me. Well I was right my friends at Villa Alta were really nice to me (I knew I could rely on them) and one of them phoned the Deemings to come and pick me up. I was really tired when I got home so went straight to bed.
Love Scoobie

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hi everybody, sorry I have been quiet lately but I have not been too badly behaved. I have only managed to escape a few times but let them catch me real quick. Been watching 'Children in need rock concert' and was really moved by Paul Macartney singing 'hey Scub' think it was that anyway as that is what the deemings were singing to me as they walked me after I heard it. Prefer 'Dizzy Rascal' myself more hip than Sir Paul.
See you soon Luv Scoobie

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My best friend Tilley has come to stay with me for a few days. Today we went for a walk to Rosario and as Tilley was with us the Deemings let me off the lead again thinking that I would be good but I soon got fedup with chasing Tilley around and just stayed about 20 meters away from the Deemings so they could not put me on the lead again. When we got to the road I wouldn't go to them so we went over some fields and through some more olive groves. We then came to a place where there were about 6 dogs tied up so I stopped to play with them and the Deemings and Tillley carried on but Chris came back for me after about 5 minutes but I ran away, she chased me and I got myself into a corner so I let her catch me and put me back on the lead. Don't think they will let me off the lead again now as I have blown it. Watch this space to see if they do. We are going away in the campervan for a couple of days so that should be good
fun. Tilley has never been in the campervan before I hope
she likes it!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Went to vets yesterday to have my stitches out........the vet said it wouldn't hurt but it did so I peed on vets table and on Christine, would have bitten Cyril and the vet but they had put a mussle on me..........thought I was getting my lampshade off but the vets said at least another 4 days..........went for a walk today with Chris & Cyril it was quite short as the track we were following was blocked by gates so we had to go back to the car. Well because I still had the lampshade on I had to get in the back instead of the front as there wasn't enough room in the front. But it was too high for me to jump up so they were pulling me and my collar came off so I was free yippee. Well did I give them a run around. I went up the track we had just walked to play with a nice dog that we had found gaurding some chicks........but I wouldn't let them catch me eventually they drove off slowly and I ran after the car it started raining but I was having a great time running wild in the olive groves after a couple of hours I was getting tired so as I got close to the car I climbed up a bank and then let them catch me as I was too tired to run anymore. Don't think they were very happy and I was Knac****d so I got back in the car. I was very muddy as I had been running around the olive groves in the rain. When we got back they got their own back they chained me up on the drive and hosed me down. Burrrr it was so cold i tried to bite them again but could not get close after that i just went to bed sulking.
love scoobie

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Visit to Vet

Well all has been quiet recently as I have been kept on the lead all the time. Sunday 6th was a bit funny though as I didn't have any food after 12 noon but I was quite full anyway. Then when I went to bed Sunday night they took my water away too. I was a bit worried the next morning when I went for my usual walk first thing and they didn't give me any food or water but I just kept quiet and lay down in my basket. Then about 11:30 they took me to see this man who I didn't like as the last time I saw him he stabbed me with something sharp. Well wouldn't go with him for a start but he started being nice to me so I eventually went with him. He was nice to me for a start then he stabbed me again with something sharp and I don't remember anything else. When I woke up the next day I had a silly thing on my neck which looks like a lampshade and I felt a bit groggy. Eventually the Deemings came and picked me up and gave me some food, I was starving. They have been taking lots of pictures to make me look stupid in front of my mates but I am enjoying myself as they are letting me sleep a lot instead of going for walks in the hills. I will be glad when I can get this lampshade off though as I keep banging it on everything. Well I must go and have another lay down now speak again soon.
Love Scoobie

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

deemings mountaineering club

Hi All,
I am now a proud member of the Deemings Mountaineering club. I have had to go through a lot to get this membership. I finally achieved it yesterday by climbing Chamizo (1641 meters) after getting up at the crack of dawn and missing breakfast, pictures enclosed for proof. This is a very exclusive club, other members include my best friend Tilley and the late great Buster (didn't know him personally but have heard a lot about him.
Love Scoobie

more fun and games

Hi all sorry about the delay since my last post but I have been away on holiday and the computer broke. Thanks to our friend David the computer is now working again. Well I have been on holiday to the Alpujarras very exciting it was too. I overheared the Deemings saying that they were going to climb the highest mountain in the Iberian Peninsula which sounded a bit scary but what the heck anything for a laugh. Well first of all we had to drive up this track similar to the one to Villa Alta but a bit worse and it was about 20k and surrounded by forest. After about 10k the track was blocked by a gate and it was not going to be opened for a few hours so we decided to park up and walk along the track passed the gate to make sure the campervan would make it. Well I was walking nicely with Cyril so Chris persuaded him to let me off the lead. What fun we had I was running around having a great time just like Tilley does when she get loose at Villa Alta. Well we walked for a couple of hours and when we got back to the campervan there was a picnic area next to the gate and I thought I would rather run off and play in the forest than get back in the campervan. Well the Deemings didn't think it was funny. They tried to catch me for 2 hours then decided that they would have to go now as the gate was going to be closed and they would not be able to do the walk but I still wanted to stay in the forest. So they called my bluff and drove through the gate and I started running after them (it was ok as they were going really slow) but I still would not let them catch me. Eventually we met some people on horses they were British and had a really nice dog so I decided I wanted to play with the dog now. Well I heard one of the horse riders say that they would take me back to their stables and the Deemings could pick me up tomorrow. So the Deemings went off to do their climb (phew got out of that one). Anyway can't say what happened that night but I spent the night in the forest. When they came back down from the mountain they decided to stop after going through the gate and have a cup of coffee and have a look around the picnic area to see if I was there. Well I was there and they spotted me begging food of some nice Spanish woman. Well I though I would play hard to get again and messed them about for another 2 hours before finally feeling sorry for Chris who was grovelling on the ground trying to get me to come back. So I let them put a lead on me again. It was quite nice really as I got to sleep in my nice bed in the campervan but I dont think they will let me of the lead again for some time. The next day they did get there own back on me as I had been rolling in some lovely brown stuff that cows drop on the ground in the forest I was a bit smelly, so they put me in a freezing cold font and tried to wash me but I did put up a good fight and pretended to bite Chris. Today they took me to the vets whoopee what a blast that was. I let him give me one injection but when he tried to do a second one I tried to bite him and jump off the table so they put a mussel on me and gave me the other one but I got my own back on the vet by sh*****g on his table hehe. I also have my own passport now so I will be able to go on more holidays if I play my cards right and don't run off again. Anyway have to go now as i'm a bit tired because after the vets experience they took me shopping in Malaga and then to the beach.
Speak soon
Scoobie xx

first camping holiday

Hi All,
Just an update to let you know how I got on at my first camping trip. Well Monday morning started a bit different, instead of breakfast then a little walk I just had a little walk, then went back to bed for a little kip while the deeming busied themselves loading up the car. They then woke me up (still no breakfast) we we all drove off to a campsite near Nerja then I had breakfast. I was then just lying down for another kip when we all got back in the car and drove for a bit till we got to a river (rio Chillar they said it was called). So we parked up and started walking then they started walking in the river, well I didn't think much of that it was only up to their ankles but it was up to my chin. It started getting deeper and when we got to a waterfall that was the last straw. I stopped and refused to go any further so Cyril picked me and carried me up it (thanks mate) and we carried on for a bit longer until the river go too deep even for them so we turned back (thank god). It got better later on we went out for a meal and I even got some bits of fish ( well mostly skin). Next day out walking again to the same place but this time I quite liked walking in the river cause it was boiling hot. But they had a great idea instead of walking along the flat riverbead they went straight up a hill phew it was hot at least they let me off the lead but I didn't run off. Next day they decided to take me to a beach, didn't know what a beach was, no way was I going in the sea, but they did try to drag me in. At last we came home so I can have a rest.
See you soon
Scoobie xx
Hi All,
It was great to see you all yesterday still a bit confused as to where I live but im sure I will be settled in Trabuco soon. Been out walking in the olive groves behind the house in Trabuco and I persuaded the Deeming's to let me off the lead in the olive groves (hehe) and I keep following them but wouldn't let them put the lead back on me. I kept walking really close to them and then ran around for a bit then got tired so I let them put the lead on me. Wish I hadn't ran as fast as im really tired now already lying down in my basket , might have an early night. I suppose they will be on the wine tonight I just get to lick the cork.
Love Scoobie

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hi all,
This is from Scoobie(aka lady,stray dog). I am going to try to setup a Scoobie blog to keep you up to date on my progress, adventures. Thank you for looking after me when I was in Villa Alta I dont know if this is a good move or not living here in Trabuco with the Deemings. I am abit kn******d at the moment they are making me walk everyday but I got my own back this morning I escaped and ran into the forest I had them running after me for about 30mins so that was good fun.They did feed me when we got back to the house but there are no bones here cos they are veggies!!! so it is just dry food but I suppose it is better than nothing. I got the Deemings to take a couple of pics of me hope you like them.
love scoobie