My best friend Tilley has come to stay with me for a few days. Today we went for a walk to Rosario and as Tilley was with us the Deemings let me off the lead again thinking that I would be good but I soon got fedup with chasing Tilley around and just stayed about 20 meters away from the Deemings so they could not put me on the lead again. When we got to the road I wouldn't go to them so we went over some fields and through some more olive groves. We then came to a place where there were about 6 dogs tied up so I stopped to play with them and the Deemings and Tillley carried on but Chris came back for me after about 5 minutes but I ran away, she chased me and I got myself into a corner so I let her catch me and put me back on the lead. Don't think they will let me off the lead again now as I have blown it. Watch this space to see if they do. We are going away in the campervan for a couple of days so that should be good
fun. Tilley has never been in the campervan before I hope
she likes it!!!